Kingsbrook View Primary Academy, Aylesbury

The state-of-the-art school consists of a new build two-storey SIP construction teaching block and main hall, a sports pitch and associated external soft and hard landscaping providing 420 places and 52 nursery places.

  • Client

    Buckinghamshire Council

  • Contractor

  • Value


  • Completion Date

    July 2021

Procurement Type: Two stage

Form of Contract: JCT 2016 D&B

Contract Period: 48 weeks

Size: 2,515 m

The Challenge

  1. The need to undertake a complete redesign of the school at the start of the PCSA period due to adverse comments from the Local Planning Authority on the RIBA Stage 2 design.
  2. Ensuring our developed red line boundary aligned with both the council position and the developer’s team.
  3. Designing to budget
  4. Speed, safety and cost of construction

The Solution

  1. The complete redesign of the school building and landscape was completed at the outset of RIBA Stage 3, and the overall PCSA design programme was still met.
  2. Early in the process we worked closely with the developer’s team to engage on incoming service locations, drainage connections and tie-ins to local S278 highways. In order to ensure tie in positions were suitably coordinated Morgan Sindall ran a separate combined model which was shared with the developer’s design team so an external ‘clash’ process could be used. Once fully coordinated, Morgan Sindall supported the council on key deliverable dates which formed a key part of the land transfer legal documentation
  3. The design was market tested during RIBA Stage 3.  We managed the design and budget throughout the PCSA using our supply chain early to market test packages and set a realistic and achievable cost plan from the outset achieving the contract sum below the agreed PCSA cost plan. We performed a sanity check on the Pick Everard stage 2 cost plan.

4. SIP construction is much faster than traditional building. At Kingsbrook, using SIP construction allowed the programme to be significantly reduced whilst still producing a quality building.

The Results

  1. Planning approval was achieved with no pre-commencement conditions.
  2. Once the land transfer was signed, no delays were parted onto the project as a result of developer delays. Once the contractual side had been finalised, we worked alongside the developer to produce a combined traffic management plan which ensured interfaces on deliveries and loading zones were fully coordinated to avoid any disruption to the local residence in the vicinity of the school.
  3. No VE was required at CP stage. The client, Morgan Sindall and the design team worked very well together, taking a ‘one team’ collaborative approach where design matters were discussed openly and always in a constructive and objective way. The design was delivered within the client budget which was agreed very early on in the PCSA. This cost plan was updated with package fees as they came in and shared with the Client PM on commercial catch-up calls scheduled weekly creating an open-book collaborative working relationship from the outset.

4. The SIP installation was 12 weeks allowing following trades and internal works to progress. Additionally, due to the nature of SIP construction all internal walls had been installed and therefore this removed the 1st fix process of drylining, reducing installation time and in turn associated costs. The site establishment was required for less time and therefore overhead costs of accommodation, site setup and management costs are minimised.

Due to SIP construction consisting mostly of offsite production this significantly reduced risk on site, the panels were produced in a controlled factory environment away from the construction site, leaving minimal works to take place on site.




SME Spend


Added Value


Client Satisfaction

Client Testimonials

“This is a truly wonderful building. The facilities are second to none and will provide a great learning environment for the current and future pupils. The building has sustainable credentials such as solar panels on the roof and the building fabric is designed to ensure it is thermally efficient thereby reducing the carbon emissions which will help the Council meet its Carbon reduction targets. I hope the pupils, teachers, staff and local community enjoy the new facilities for many years to come.”

Contractor Performance | Commitments


Soft landings for handover

Dedicated Morgan Sindall point of contact

On-line portal for notifying any defects with 3 priority categories for response times



CCS Score 43/45


100% payment within 30 days terms


The high-quality, energy efficient building is designed to enhance the character of the local area and provide a positive contribution to the public realm and includes a number of landscaping features to help complement its surrounds including planting choices to maximise benefits for wildlife.

Air tightness achieved required performance of 4m3/(h.m2) at 50 pascals, 98% waste diverted from landfill, 100% timber responsibly sourced, Solar panels on roof, Thermally efficient reducing carbon emissions helping LA meet its carbon reduction targets, Electric charging points installed; cycle and scooter storage, Wildlife area and forest school


25 beneficiaries (36% aged 16-25)

8 jobs created

266 trainee weeks

Schools engagement: 120 students

£5,000 donations to charity

112 volunteer hours

89% social value created

SCF Framework Manager

James Wright 


Phone: 07761 330560

Contractor Framework Manager

Alan Smedley


Phone: 07967 686066