Kingston University Knights Park Extension

  • Client

    Kingston University

  • Contractor

  • Value


  • Completion Date

    November 2019

The refurbishment at Kingston University’s Knights Park Campus provides the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture with 9500sqm of new and improved facilities that better reflect the school’s outstanding reputation and competitive edge. The new building provides more collaborative working space for staff and students.

The Challenge

The design and build project was undertaken in full occupation. The project required a significant decant schedule, and ongoing noise, dust and vibration monitoring.

The Solution

A phased approach to the works with a detailed decants schedule enabled activities to progress with minimal disruption to the campus. We provided a dedicated contact purely for any issues around noise, dust or vibration in order to address immediately. The phasing was undertaken floor by floor thus enabling containment as far as possible.

The Results

The final project delivered a 52% reduction in operational carbon emissions and also achieved BREEAM Excellent. Over 1,000sqm of flat roof has been put to work, providing outdoor teaching spaces, wildlife habitats and green roofs.




Added Value

Contractor Performance | Commitments


100% payment within 30 days terms




Soft landings for handover


21 work experience placements

7 curriculum support activities

6 graduates

9 jobs created

15 NVQs

Community garden renovation


100% timber responsibly sourced

Over 100sqm of flat roof providing wildlife habitats and green roofs

BREEAM Excellent

52% reduction in carbon emissions

SCF Framework Manager

James Wright


Phone: : 07761 330560

Contractor Framework Manager

Alan Smedley


Phone: 07967 686066