Full Cat B fitout over two floors and mezzanine area for repeat client. The newly modernised office space now houses the Council’s Parks, Highways and Housing Departments. The works also included the creation of a storage facility for the museums and modern records division.
100% payment within 30 days terms
8% waste diverted from landfill
Use of local subcontractors and materials had a positive impact on the local economy
20 SMEs
5 beneficiaries
2 jobs created
152 trainee weeks
£500 donations to charity
Soft landings for handover
Dedicated Morgan Sindall point of contact
On-line portal for notifying any defects with 3 priority categories for response times
Email: james.wright@hants.gov.uk
Phone: 07761 330560
Email: alan.smedley@morgandsindall.com
Phone: 07967 686066