A new-build 2FE school to provide a permanent new home for Ashmole Primary School. The school created 420 places for pupils aged four to 11 and provides teaching space for KS1 and KS2 along with offices, a sports hall, a community room and a canteen.
The school was built on a land-filled site with debris built up from previous excavations in the local area. The ground was found to contain asbestos and obstructions. The risk was quantified and a management strategy was put in place to remove the asbestos and obstructions from the site. This put significant pressure on the project programme.
The use of SIPs achieved a 10 week programme saving during the pre-construction phase and a five week programme saving during the construction phase of the project. This has led to SIPs being used on subsequent SCF and Morgan Sindall projects. The frame, including the roof, floor and walls, was installed in 13 weeks, which is a significant saving compared to traditional construction methods.
The use of SIPs achieved a 10 week programme saving during the pre-construction phase and a five week programme saving during the construction phase of the project. This has led to SIPs being used on subsequent SCF and Morgan Sindall projects. The frame, including the roof, floor and walls, was installed in 13 weeks, which is a significant saving compared to traditional construction methods.
100% payment within 30 days terms
98% waste diverted from landfill
100% timber responsibly sourced
CCS Score 39/45
7 work experience placements
94 apprenticeship weeks
£5k charitable donations
23 SMEs
Soft landings for handover
Dedicated Morgan Sindall point of contact
On-line portal for notifying any defects with 3 priority categories for response times
Email: james.wright@hants.gov.uk
Phone: : 07761 330560
Email: alan.smedley@morgansindall.com
Phone: 07967 686066