Fulham College Boys’ School, London

  • Client

    Fulham College Boys’ School / Department for Education

  • Contractor

  • Value


  • Completion Date

    May 2021

Major renovation of a live secondary school, enhancing teaching provision for its transition to a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) specialist Academy.

The Challenge

Undertaking major renovation works within a live secondary school, scheduled over three phases of works.

Phase 1: The transformation of Block L (the existing drama building) for use as the site team’s welfare and site offices; internal reconfiguration of the second floor of the Childerly Building providing an additional classroom; provision of 3 working labs and 2 standard classrooms.

Phase 2: Demolition and subsequent construction of a two-storey, steel framed science block providing six new teaching labs. The building includes a green roof, PV panels and attenuation tank.

Phase 3: The extensive refurbishment of the Grade II listed Kingwood Building including asbestos removal, MEPH systems, window replacement, decoration and carpentry works.

The Solution

It was recommended to the client that Block L (which was due to be demolished) be utilised as the site office and canteen space. This not only saved the project money in site setup costs and omission of the Block L demolition works from the scope of works, but furthermore, the making good of the building provided the school with a new space for music classes.

With three separate handovers, it was imperative that a good relationship was maintained with the school staff. Consideration and understanding were incorporated into the safe planning of works and scheduling of deliveries to allow the live school to continue to operate. The use of temporary modular classrooms accommodated students away from the works thereby ensuring minimal disruption to the overall learning environment.

The Results

Three successful handovers to a delighted client, helping to realise the school’s transition into a specialist STEM Academy. The first phase was completed on time, the second phase was handed over two weeks earlier than expected, and the third phase of works was also completed on time.




SME Spend


Added Value


Client Satisfaction

Client Testimonials

“In my role as Trust Senior Site Manager, I led on behalf of liaison with the school and can happily report that Morgan Sindall have proven to be the most efficient, cooperative and enjoyable construction company I have had the pleasure to work with in my 20 years’ experience. From the early design stage right through to completion, communication between the school and Morgan Sindall has been second to none.”

Contractor Performance | Commitments


100% payment within 30 days terms


91% waste diverted from landfill

100% timber responsibly sourced

BREEAM Very Good



CCS Score 43/45 nominated for 2020 Award


14 apprenticeships, 6 of which were new jobs created

7 work experience placements

272 Trainee weeks

Schools engagement: 361 pupils


Soft landings for handover

Dedicated Morgan Sindall point of contact

On-line portal for notifying any defects with 3 priority categories for response times

SCF Framework Manager

James Wright

Email: james.wright@hants.gov.uk

Phone: 07761 330560

Contractor Framework Manager

Alan Smedley

Email: alan.smedley@morgansindall.com

Phone: 07967 686066