Gilbert Inglefield Academy

  • Client

    Gilbert Inglefield Academy Trust

  • Contractor

  • Value


  • Completion Date

    December 2020

Two storey teaching block providing 10 classrooms and a 3-court sports hall new build, and a combination of 4 separate refurbishment areas including 2 IT labs as well as remodelling the existing school to provide improvements to the school’s catering facilities, and administration areas.  In addition, the project introduced new SEND therapy spaces and an external MUGA.

The Challenge

  1. Initial feasibility studies completed for the project identified the requirement for multiple extensions and alterations to the existing school.
  2. Phasing of works
  3. The location for the new sports hall and teaching facility was on the existing school hard-play courts, which doubled as their fire muster point.

The Solution

  1. Through initial buildability engagement we were able to advise a review of the design to amalgamate the sports hall and teaching facility into one new standalone facility. Due to the design and build process, there was a variety of reviewable design data where approvals where required from the school. During the Client Engagement Meetings we set these as a key part of the agenda to ensure the data was reviewed with the school appropriately providing enough information to allow decisions to be made on time, such that on site activities were not impacted.
  2. Client engagement meetings (CEM) were carried out regularly with the project team during both the precon and construction phases. These meetings were especially productive for the site team to engage with the school’s headteacher, teachers and facilities manager to create a robust phasing plan due to the nature and number of small extensions and refurbishment areas located across the existing school.

3. The provision of the new multi-use games area (MUGA) court would provide the new play area and fire point, however, this commenced at the same time as the new build.

The Results

  1. Reviewing the data was especially beneficial for the refurbishment areas where the new finishes were installed early in the programme. Following further engagement, the existing kitchen and dining spaces were able to be relocated to an area of the school that had better construction access and existing services to facilitate.
  2. A detailed construction programme was produced accompanied with a master phasing plan, highlighting the programme periods in each section of work. Where possible, each section was coordinated to commence and complete in line with the school’s academic timetable. From this master phasing plan, detailed access and logistic plans were presented to the school for each work section. Through careful consideration of the school’s current operation, the phasing plans were tweaked to minimise disruption. As part of the induction process on site all operatives were briefed on the phasing plans for the project and the importance of the live school environment.

3. Through negotiation with Central Bedfordshire Council, we were able to re-surface the adjacent youth centre car-park in return for the school to use this facility as a muster point whilst the MUGA courts were being constructed.

4. Collaborative delivery of scheme within original programme parameters despite being impacted by COVID-19.




SME Spend


Added Value


Client Satisfaction

Client Testimonials

”The relationship between the school and the project manager is key to ensure we both manage the day to day challenges of a live site. Morgan Sindall have understood and adapted to the challenges of a working school. Sharing our priorities and working together to mitigate any barriers has helped enormously and this can only happen with the project manager always on site. The project manager has been incredibly flexible and supportive in ensuring we get the best building within the budget. The school community comment regularly on the professionalism and work of Morgan Sindall. Students have enjoyed the updates and learning about the building trade.”

”It has been a really good experience working with the MS team and issues raised have always come with solutions. The team worked well together and as a result the project went well.”

Contractor Performance | Commitments


100% payment within 30 days terms


94% waste diverted from landfill

100% timber responsibly sourced



CCS Score 42/45


During the first month on site the construction team delivered a safety assembly to all students and staff at the school. With the help from Ivor Goodsite (CCS Mascot) a fine balance between humour and seriousness was struck to reinforce the importance for all stakeholders to be conscious of the construction works in a live school environment.

Virtual video tour for the local technical college

99 Apprenticeship weeks, 14 No of SMEs

14 beneficiaries, 7 jobs created, 114 trainee weeks,

Schools engagement: 600 students

£50 donations to charity, 20 volunteer hours

80% social value created


Soft landings for handover

Dedicated Morgan Sindall point of contact

On-line portal for notifying any defects with 3 priority categories for response times

Any site specific process/initiatives

SCF Framework Manager

James Wright


Phone: 07761 330560

Contractor Framework Manager

Alan Smedley


Phone: 07967 686066