Tinnitus Awareness Week

Hackney Britannia Leisure Centre area and School site team organise and attend local jobs fair

Morgan Sindall have been appointed to regenerate the Britannia Leisure Centre are of Hackney adjacent to Shoreditch Park. The project consists of the creation of a new mixed-use leisure centre, whilst the existing facility remains in use and the new Shoreditch Park Academy, a new 1,100-place, 6FE secondary school. The existing leisure centre will be demolished once the new facility is opened. The site team on the project, in partnership with the Shoreditch Trust and Hackney Works Team, organised and attended a free jobs fair on Friday 8th November 2019. The jobs fair was advertised locally and on social media, and was opened by Cllr Williams. Over 100 local people registered and attended the free event, with representatives from 12 organisations in attendance:

• Morgan Sindall Construction
• Shoreditch Trust
• Hackney Works
• Waterhouse Restaurant
• Metropolitan Police
• New City College
• K10 shared apprentice scheme
• J Brennan shared apprentice scheme
• Evolve shared apprentice scheme
• O’Neill and Brennan
• Koru Kids

The event was very successful, and there is now a roster of local people who will be carrying out work experience on the project. There were also local people who were offered jobs on the day by Morgan Sindall’s construction partners O’Neill and Brennan, and can confirm that one resident began work the next day to give him the experience that was needed to improve his CV.

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you for hosting stands [at the jobs fair]. Over 100 delegates attended, and there’s been some great feedback from the day”

Cat Whitehouse – Community Manager.

For more information visit the project website: http://www.hackneybritanniaproject.co.uk/

November 2019


End of Term Report 2015 – 2019

SCF – Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) Student Accommodation

Morgan Sindall have been campaigning for improved health, safety and well-being to all those they come into contact with in conjunction with the Southern Construction Framework (SCF). On the current SCF procured AUB Student Accommodation project, Morgan Sindall’s Site Manager, Lee Marriner, took the initiative to arrange a full day on site on 22 August 2019 to promote health, safety and well-being with support from supply chain and their SHE Advisors.

Area Director, Jon Daines and SHE Manager, Andrea Smith were in attendance with the supply chain all day and available for anyone who wanted to discuss any queries about health and safety or about the business generally. They both had a steady stream of people wanting to have those conversations.

Suppliers Greenham, Uvex and JSP brought along their latest innovations to display and explain the benefits these provide to the workforce.

The daily briefings with the “black hat” supervisors also included a reminder of Morgan Sindall’s newly launched policy on the mandatory use of self-checking respirators in place of the disposable type. It was encouraging that all subcontractors were aware of this and some were already investing in new respirators in line with the new requirement which has a transition period until the end of the year.

Uvex offered operatives a free swap of their exiting eye protection to their new improved range of light eye protection(LEP) and explained the different features of each type.

Greenham showcased their latest site work wear including a large range of gloves providing advice on the correct glove for the task. Greenham were also able to promote their “Well-being through Safety” initiative offering services such as face-fit testing, prescription safety eye-wear and their new “FootStop” service which is a foot scanning service to ensure the right fit when selecting safety boots.

JSP are always happy to support Morgan Sindall in events such as these and this day was no exception. Their Rep came along to show the latest innovation in their huge range of safety products. In addition to the Force 8 original respirator with self-checking face-fit filters, he brought along air-fed helmets with powered air respirators which provide dust protection without the neex to wear a mask. This is deal for those sporting beards who work in situations where there is the potential for exposure to airborne dust.

Morgan Sindall promote health, safety and well-being with support from supply chain partners at AUB Student Accommodation Picture shows the mini exhibition set-up on the site compound between the welfare facilities and the construction area to capture maximum footfall Picture shows the H&H scaffolders taking great interest in trying the different eye protection of offer for comfort and vision quality before choosing their favourite

JSP were also able to demonstrate their new neck cape which clips neatly to the cradle of the safety helmet and keeps the neck covered against the sun. JSP’s second innovation, a cooling headband, can also be fitted to the cradle of the safety helmet in place of the original. The we are simply soaks the band in cold water, squeezes it out and fits it to the front headband of the helmet cradle where it will keep the wearer cool for up to 6 hours. Needless to say on such a warm day, this innovation also generated lots of interest amongst the workforce.

The exhibitors were impressed at the level of engagement received and really pleased to be able to show operatives the range of their products firsthand which really did amaze some of them! Many of them took the trouble to say how useful it had been and that they had not experience this type of initiative on any other project.

Following the success of the day, the site team intend to engage with suppliers again to provide briefings to the workforce with a Q&A session. They also plan to use Medigold to carry out some “know your numbers” well-being checks on blood pressure, BMI, sugar, etc on a voluntary basis.

“Whilst there can be a reluctance with some to accept Morgan Sindall’s 5 point PPE policy, the day really helped demonstrate that it’s in place for the benefit of everyone and the good reasons behind it. It also helped the site guys to understand the range of PPE in the market and they don’t need to struggle with equipment that is uncomfortable or difficult to wear. The day was a resounding success and greatly appreciated by everyone on site. We are hugely grateful to Uvex, Greenham and JSP for taking the time to support our efforts to improve health, safety and well-being for all our workforce.”
Andrea Smith, SHE Manager


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SCF Bike Ride

The SCF team wanted to celebrate the successful launch of its next generation construction framework, as well as the continuation of its framework delivery partnership between Hampshire and Devon County Councils.


They chose a challenging 250-mile bike ride in aid of the Lighthouse Club to mark the framework launch and 17 of them pedalled off from Winchester to Devon on their two-day adventure in brilliant sunshine. The route took them from Hampshire County Council’s offices at The Castle, Winchester in Hampshire, through the New Forest National Park, and then Bournemouth, Purbeck, Dorset and East Devon, on to the final destination of Devon County Hall in Exeter.


The Lighthouse Club charity provides financial and emotional support to the construction community and their families, who have suffered an injury or long-term illness or simply need a helping hand. The SCF team chose to support this charity as the construction industry has some of the worst mental health statistics of any industry.


The group included riders of all cycling abilities from seasoned club riders to newcomers to the sport. This mixture of experience inspired the group to help each other out, work together and share the achievement of completing a challenging route including some very steep climbs!


“I thought the cycle ride was a fantastic way to raise money for the Lighthouse Foundation. I represented ISG, one of the 11 Main Contractors working within the framework, delivering value to the public sector.  I am a keen cyclist and enjoyed the route, team spirit and challenge and look forward to many further successful events” – Keith Winter, ISG


The group was supported by a brilliant support team, who provided much appreciated drinks and snacks, often at the top of some of the biggest hills, giving everyone a view with their snack! The team were on hand with mechanical and first aid support, which thankfully no-one needed. The weather was very changeable, with plenty of rain on the second morning, and so the support van was a welcome sight after a wet and windy climb.


“It was a big challenge, and we couldn’t have done this without our support team. We all needed to take different roles to make the big picture work, and to help one another along the way. The adversity of the weather conditions actually made it all the more worthwhile in the end… no one said this would be easy, and it’s good to be way out of the comfort zone once in a while! We were met with a so much encouragement along the route, it was nice to meet people and to raise awareness for the Lighthouse Club and to highlight the need to focus on mental wellbeing in construction.”

Justin Bennetts – Devon CC


The group enjoyed some of the finest countryside southern England has to offer, from wild ponies in the New Forest and golden beaches in Bournemouth, to the rugged coastlines and stunning clifftop scenery of the Dorset and Devon coastlines. The 250km route allowed plenty of time for the riders to share stories and experiences both on and off the bike, an opportunity to appreciate difference perspectives in the construction industry.


“It was a great opportunity to ride a brilliant route, with good support, and good company!”

Lawrence Wright, Wilmott Dixon


The riders reached Devon County Hall to a warm reception from staff and a well appreciated buffet. Within minutes of the last riders arriving and moving inside, the rain came in again and everyone was glad they had kept pedalling fast enough to avoid the wet weather.


Over £6,000 was raised for the Lighthouse Club via this unique and challenging ride, and some new and lasting friends were made too.

SCF & Willmott Dixon Wellbeing Event

Regional Collaboration Achieves New Framework

SCF launches its fourth-generation major construction framework for public sector projects across the South of England.

Building on the success of previous generations, SCF is delighted to announce that its new framework will be launched on 29 April 2019 across the South East, South West, and London regions.

SCF has a proven track record for efficient delivery of major schemes across the south of England and leads the way in both performance management and the production of nationally significant industry data.

SCF is committed to engaging local supply chains and delivers initiatives around Health & Safety, social value and innovation in construction.

SCF attributes its success to its unique integrated team approach, which has an exceptional and demonstrable track record of delivery, cementing its position as trusted advisor to the public sector.

The current generation has delivered over £2.5 billion of public projects, adding more than £110 million of value for 75 public sector clients through its quality managed approach, whilst on average reducing costs by 1% in pre-construction.

We consistently outperform the national averages both in terms of project performance and client satisfaction. You can find out more here.

The 11 contractors appointed across the three Lots will deliver up to £5.25 billion in the four-year life of the framework. The successful contractors appointed to the framework are:

BAM Construction Ltd

Galliford Try Building Ltd

ISG Construction Ltd

Kier Construction Ltd

Mace Construction Ltd

McLaren Construction Ltd

Midas Construction Ltd

Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd

Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd

Wates Construction Ltd

Willmott Dixon Construction Ltd


SCF is a joint initiative between Hampshire County Council and Devon County Council, the framework may be used by all public bodies across the South of England.

Steve Clow, Assistant Director Property and Facilities, Hampshire County Council said: “We are delighted to announce the appointment of 11 contractors to the next generation of SCF. Our unique integrated team approach has helped to deliver significant benefits for Public Sector clients across the South of England.”

Justin Bennetts, Strategic Procurement Manager, Devon County Council, said: “We look forward to this generation of SCF continuing to deliver and improve upon the high expectations of our clients, and take a leading role in Shaping Public Construction”.


For further information about the framework please contact a member of the framework team:

Via our websitehttps://southernconstructionframework.gov.uk/contact/

Or by Phone – South West: 01392 382 444 – South East & London: 01962 845 942

For all media enquiries:

South East & London: Jenny Larby / Julie Sloan, Communication Team Leaders, Hampshire County Council, 01962 847115, ccbscommunications@hants.gov.uk

South West: Mike Bomford, Media & PR Manager Communications Team, Devon County Council, 01392 383000 mike.bomford@devon.gov.uk


SCF two-stage approach explored options with Woking BC

The SCF has seen an increasing number of large scale Car Park projects in recent weeks. One project has recently been awarded to Willmott Dixon after an extremely competitive mini competition process.

The Heathside Crescent Car Park in Woking is nearly 30 years old, servicing a popular town centre that continues to grow. As a result, the car park is often at capacity and is in need of extension. Additionally it has become a hot spot for anti-social behaviour, with large columns and blind corners making it an unnerving experience at times. The Client came to SCF wanting alternative solutions that could be developed collaboratively throughout the preconstruction phase. As a result a number of contractors put forward proposals, and on this occasion Willmott Dixon were successfully appointed by the Client.

Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure has sealed a pre-construction service agreement for the first phase of Hackney Council’s ambitious mixed-use community development

Working in collaboration with SCF, Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure is set to deliver a major leisure centre and 1,100-pupil academy next to Shoreditch Park. Six residential blocks are also planned in the second phase of development.

The proposals for the site next to Shoreditch Park comprise a new leisure centre, a secondary school, and associated external works and infrastructure, including a new public square where community events can be hosted.